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Things that schools won’t teach us but you should learn it on your own

Certain things in life are most important to us, but schools won’t teach those things. If schools you know teach those things that I will tell you about, it’s great. But, if it’s not teaching you those things – then it is still your responsibility to learn these things by taking your time out.

The reason by which schools might not be teaching these things may have so many reasons. But we are not here to discuss the reasons. We are here to discuss the most important things that schools won’t teach us, and still, we need to know.

These are the seven things that I think are essential in life, but schools don’t teach us;

  1. Personal Finance
  2. Dealing with relationship
  3. Questioning / How to think / thinking
  4. Improve productivity
  5. Work-Life Balance
  6. Social skills
    • Communication skills
    • Active Listening
    • Negotiation
  7. Personal Branding

Let’s discuss these things one by one.

Personal Finance

What do you think? Why do we study? – To get a job or start a business. Whatever the answer is, the ultimate reward will be in the form of money. Earning money is necessary for us to survive. That’s the only way by which you will be able to get food, shelter, and clothes.

While every move from childhood to becoming mature is lined towards earning money, you are still not taught to manage your money.

Everybody is yelling about earning money, but nobody is still gossiping about handling money. It’s crucial to make money, but saving and investing are equally important.

By learning personal finance, you will know how to handle your money by knowing how much to save, spend, and invest.

Explaining personal finance is another topic within itself.

But here are some terms you should get to know if you want to manage your finance.

  1. Inflation
  2. Emergency Fund
  3. Tax savings Funds (To reduce income tax)
  4. Mutual funds and Stocks
  5. Real Estate
  6. Govt Bonds
  7. Gold and other Commodities
  8. Insurance (Life & Medical)

These topics are easier to understand if you could spend some time learning them. Your life will be financially better if you can make your moves with a little more awareness.

Dealing with relationship

Even rich people are struggling with keeping their relationships stable. Your ability to maintain a relationship boils down to your cooperating behavior. If person 1 can cooperate with person 2, their relationship will be more durable than other non-cooperating pairs.

I know relationships are more complicated than just cooperating. That’s where your people skills like negotiation skills come into work. But unfortunately, that too is not taught in schools or colleges.

There are many more soft skills necessary when maintaining a relationship for a long time. But before that, you also need to know what kind of people you should stick with and what kind of people you should stay away . To recognize people’s behavior, you should have the ability to understand yourself first.

You should practice it in your own life if you are not taught these kinds of relationship knowledge in your school and college days.

Questioning / How to think / thinking

Children are allowed to memorize the answers but cannot ask questions.

And this is not recent flash news; it’s been going on for decades. Children are not encouraged to ask questions; and instead, they are provided with their questions and answers to be memorized.

And this is not going to be great for improving their intelligence. There would have never been any innovation throughout the history of the world – if humans raised questions to solve the problems.

If everyone around starts punishing students for asking questions, they would be psychologically conditioned to not ask questions anymore in their whole life. They will grow with the same mindset and will also fear questioning themselves.

Questioning is the sign of intelligence and the base of clever thinking.

Work-Life Balance

Work is an essential part of our life. But work is not the only part of our life.

We need to work to earn money and to survive in this world. But what’s the point of living the life and making all those money – if we are not having a balance over life.

I like mentioning this quote here; this is my favorite one.

A calm mind, fit body, and house full of love is all we need in our life.

To live a good life, it is essential to maintain the balance between life and work.

But schools don’t teach you the techniques to manage these things effectively. You have to learn these things by acquiring knowledge and implementing it.

To acquire these kinds of knowledge, you can learn from people you know ( who does this effectively ) or through books.

Social Skills

Humans are called Social beings. No human can live in this world efficiently without cooperating. As Yuval Noah Harari says in his book “Sapiens,” – Human as an individual might not be worth against an individual chimpanzee, but humans win worldwide as a group.

Humans thrive in this world because we are the only species that can cooperate in a massive group.

And you know what made this possible? It’s the “Social Skills.”

Social skills like communication skills, active listening, and negotiation will help you boost your career and personal life.

Schools and colleges promote public speaking and presentation skill, but I have never seen any organization working on other essential social skills.

Active listening is a great skill that so many people lack these days. Most people rush to win an argument or make their point first in an ongoing conversation.

Negotiation skills act as the core of any business dealings. And they will also help in having good relationships within the family by helping solve the conflicts.

But schools rarely teach you about the art of putting your thoughts in words, but that’s not an excuse for you not to develop these skills. You will find a way out to learn these things – if you genuinely care about your growth.

Personal Branding

Personal branding is a concept more often used in marketing. Most industry leaders would try to make themselves a brand, and it helps them market their product with greater trust. This will open the doors to more venture business. It would be a lot easier for an entrepreneur to raise money if he had built a solid personal brand.

A great example of an Entrepreneur having a solid personal brand is “Elon Musk.” Nowadays people know him more than his company. He acts as the face of the company. There are much more familiar examples, like Jeff Bezos and Steve Jobs, who are their company’s face.

You can also form your personal brand by showing your work to the outside work. If you want to know more about how to show your work – read the book “Show Your Work” by Austin Kleon.

He explains more deeply why we should show our work and how you can build a great audience of your niche by putting out content in the digital world.

You can use the power of social media to put your art in the open world but don’t care too much about numbers. Just stick to the process, and play a long-term game.


There is nothing helpful in blaming schools for not teaching these things. They are just supplying the demand for education. If parents forced a high demand for these kinds of education – every school must have adopted it (at least for their profitability)

Even if you have completed your studies or are still a student – you can still learn these things from the internet and practice by implementing them practically.

Use your spare time wisely to learn the things that impact your life.

Have a Nice Day 🙂

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